Ben Feicht

How AI Can Scale Your Expertise

June 25, 2024

Do you have a process you’d like to teach? See how AI can tailor your instructions for each user’s project.


Complex tasks, such as designing a building or ensuring a museum exhibit is accessible, can't be easily explained with a simple step-by-step guide because each project is unique. Traditionally, these tasks require one-on-one teaching, which is time-consuming.


However, with AI, we can create adaptable instructions that change based on the specific needs of each project. This way, we can teach and share our methods with many people at once, scaling our expertise and message.


For example, let’s look at how a process for making a museum exhibit accessible can adapt to different projects. The first step is to create an AI prompt for the process, then share that prompt with the user. The user would copy the prompt into a chatbot like ChatGPT, leading to a conversation like this:

AI Chatbot:

This exercise will guide you in making your project accessible to a diverse audience, ensuring all users, regardless of their abilities, can fully engage and benefit. You'll identify and address potential barriers to enhance inclusivity and user experience.

Question 1: Describe the project.
It's an interactive museum exhibit about Ancient Egyptian civilization, targeting middle school students and families.
It's a digital educational website about urban ecology, designed for children aged 10-14.
It's a mobile app for learning about mindfulness and meditation, catering to young adults experiencing stress and anxiety.
AI Chatbot:

Interesting choice! For the interactive museum exhibit about Ancient Egypt, consider incorporating audio descriptions for visually impaired visitors to enhance their experience.
Question 2: How will you ensure that the content is engaging and understandable for the target audience?
AI Chatbot:

Interesting choice! For the digital educational website about urban ecology, consider providing audio descriptions for visually impaired visitors to enhance their experience.
Question 2: How will you ensure that the content is engaging and understandable for the target audience?
AI Chatbot:

Interesting choice! For the mobile app on mindfulness and meditation, consider providing audio descriptions for visually impaired users to enhance their experience.
Question 2: How will you ensure that the content is engaging and understandable for the target audience?
We'll include interactive storytelling and hands-on activities to bring Ancient Egypt to life for middle school students and families.
We'll use artifacts and immersive displays to help families and students experience Ancient Egyptian culture firsthand.
We'll use colorful illustrations and simplified language to explain complex urban ecology concepts in a way that's accessible for children.
We'll include interactive quizzes and videos to make learning about urban ecology fun and engaging for kids.
We'll use guided meditations with soothing voices and calming visuals to help young adults manage stress and anxiety.
We'll include interactive features like progress tracking and personalized meditation plans to keep users engaged.
AI Chatbot:

Sounds engaging! For the museum exhibit, ensure that interactive elements are at an accessible height for all visitors, including children and wheelchair users.
Question 3: How will you make sure the interactive elements are usable for visitors with different physical abilities?
AI Chatbot:

That's immersive! For the museum exhibit, ensure that tactile elements are available for visitors with visual impairments to touch and explore.
Question 3: How will you ensure that tactile elements are accessible and informative for all visitors?
AI Chatbot:

Sounds engaging! For the urban ecology website, consider providing interactive quizzes to reinforce learning and keep children engaged.
Question 3: How will you make sure interactive quizzes are accessible and engaging for all users?
AI Chatbot:

That's interactive! For the urban ecology website, consider providing transcripts for all videos to accommodate users with hearing impairments.
Question 3: How will you ensure that video content is accessible and informative for all users?
AI Chatbot:

Sounds calming! For the mindfulness app, consider providing guided meditations in multiple languages to reach a wider audience.
Question 3: How will you ensure that guided meditations are accessible and inclusive for users from diverse linguistic backgrounds?
AI Chatbot:

That's engaging! For the mindfulness app, consider providing customizable settings for users to adjust font size and color contrast for better readability.
Question 3: How will you ensure that customizable settings are intuitive and easy to use for all users?
We'll design interactive stations with adjustable heights and ensure that buttons and controls are easy to use for everyone.
AI Chatbot:

Excellent! Ensuring adjustable heights and easy-to-use controls will make the exhibit more accessible to a wide range of visitors.
We'll provide alternative ways to interact, such as touch-free sensors and voice commands, for visitors who may have difficulty with physical controls.
AI Chatbot:

Great idea! Offering alternative interaction methods will enhance the accessibility of your exhibit for all visitors.
We'll provide braille labels and tactile diagrams to accompany each artifact and display.
AI Chatbot:

Fantastic! Including braille labels and tactile diagrams will make the exhibit accessible and informative for visitors with visual impairments.
We'll offer guided tactile tours led by trained museum staff to provide additional context and assistance to visitors with visual impairments.
AI Chatbot:

Wonderful! Offering guided tactile tours will provide visitors with visual impairments with a rich and informative experience of the exhibit.
We'll include audio instructions and provide text alternatives for all quiz questions and answers.
AI Chatbot:

Great approach! Providing audio instructions and text alternatives will ensure that interactive quizzes are accessible to all users.
We'll offer a variety of quiz formats, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching, to cater to different learning preferences.
AI Chatbot:

Excellent! Offering a variety of quiz formats will cater to different learning preferences and enhance user engagement.
We'll provide closed captions for all videos and include audio descriptions for visual elements to make them accessible to users with hearing and visual impairments.
AI Chatbot:

Wonderful! Providing closed captions and audio descriptions will make video content accessible and informative for all users.
We'll offer sign language interpretation for all videos and provide alternative formats for users who may have difficulty accessing standard video content.
AI Chatbot:

Fantastic! Offering sign language interpretation and alternative formats will ensure that video content is accessible to users with different accessibility needs.
We'll offer translations of all guided meditations in languages commonly spoken by our target audience.
AI Chatbot:

Excellent! Providing translations will ensure that guided meditations are accessible and inclusive for users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
We'll include visual cues and animations to supplement audio instructions and make guided meditations accessible to users with hearing impairments.
AI Chatbot:

Great idea! Including visual cues and animations will enhance accessibility and ensure that guided meditations are accessible to users with hearing impairments.
We'll provide clear instructions and visual examples to guide users through the customization process and ensure accessibility for all.
AI Chatbot:

Excellent approach! Providing clear instructions will ensure that customizable settings are easy to use and accessible for all users.
We'll offer a tutorial on first launch and include in-app support options for users who may need assistance with customization.
AI Chatbot:

Wonderful! Offering a tutorial and in-app support options will provide users with the assistance they need to customize settings and enhance accessibility.
We'll offer a tutorial on first launch and include in-app support options for users who may need assistance with customization.
We'll provide clear instructions and visual examples to guide users through the customization process and ensure accessibility for all.
We'll include visual cues and animations to supplement audio instructions and make guided meditations accessible to users with hearing impairments.
We'll offer translations of all guided meditations in languages commonly spoken by our target audience.
We'll offer sign language interpretation for all videos and provide alternative formats for users who may have difficulty accessing standard video content.
We'll provide closed captions for all videos and include audio descriptions for visual elements to make them accessible to users with hearing and visual impairments.
We'll offer a variety of quiz formats, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and matching, to cater to different learning preferences.
We'll include audio instructions and provide text alternatives for all quiz questions and answers.
We'll offer guided tactile tours led by trained museum staff to provide additional context and assistance to visitors with visual impairments.
We'll provide braille labels and tactile diagrams to accompany each artifact and display.
We'll provide alternative ways to interact, such as touch-free sensors and voice commands, for visitors who may have difficulty with physical controls.
We'll design interactive stations with adjustable heights and ensure that buttons and controls are easy to use for everyone.
We'll use guided meditations with soothing voices and calming visuals to help young adults manage stress and anxiety.
We'll include interactive features like progress tracking and personalized meditation plans to keep users engaged.
We'll use colorful illustrations and simplified language to explain complex urban ecology concepts in a way that's accessible for children.
We'll include interactive quizzes and videos to make learning about urban ecology fun and engaging for kids.
We'll include interactive storytelling and hands-on activities to bring Ancient Egypt to life for middle school students and families.
We'll use artifacts and immersive displays to help families and students experience Ancient Egyptian culture firsthand.
It's an interactive museum exhibit about Ancient Egyptian civilization, targeting middle school students and families.
It's a digital educational website about urban ecology, designed for children aged 10-14.
It's a mobile app for learning about mindfulness and meditation, catering to young adults experiencing stress and anxiety.

What skills or processes could you share with others? Take this quiz to find out.


Do you prefer activities related to your profession or personal life?

Do you prefer processes related to creating things or managing things?

Do you work more with visuals or words?

Do you prefer designing or physical art?

Do you prefer writing fiction or non-fiction?

Do you prefer leading teams or handling finances?

Do you prefer activities related to daily living or leisure?

Do you prefer activities related to food or home management?

Do you prefer physical activities or hobbies?

Do you prefer fitness or sports?

Do you prefer gardening or crafting?

Result: Design Process

Result: Art Process

Result: Fiction Writing Process

Result: Non-Fiction Writing Process

Result: Management Process

Result: Financial Planning Process

Result: Cooking Process

Result: Home Management Process

Result: Fitness Process

Result: Sports Process

Result: Gardening Process

Result: Crafting Process


Personal Life

Creating Things

Managing Things




Physical Art



Leading Teams

Handling Finances

Daily Living



Home Management

Physical Activities






The design process involves creating visual solutions to problems. This can include anything from graphic design, product design, to UX/UI design. Designers use a combination of creativity and technical skills to create visually appealing and functional designs.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Graphic Design
: Teach the fundamentals of graphic design, including color theory, typography, and layout design.

UX/UI Design: Share your process for designing user-friendly interfaces, including user research, wireframing, and prototyping.

Product Design: Explain how to take a product from concept to creation, including brainstorming, sketching, and 3D modeling.
The art process involves creating visual artwork using various mediums. Artists express their creativity through drawing, painting, sculpting, and other forms of visual art. This process is often intuitive and personal, allowing for self-expression and emotional connection.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Painting Techniques
: Share techniques for different painting styles, such as watercolor, oil, and acrylic.

Drawing Fundamentals: Teach the basics of drawing, including perspective, shading, and anatomy.

Mixed Media Art: Show how to combine different materials and techniques to create unique pieces of art.
The fiction writing process involves creating imaginative stories. Writers develop characters, plotlines, and settings to tell compelling stories. This process often includes brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Plot Structuring: Teach how to outline and structure a plot for a story or novel.

World-Building: Share techniques for creating immersive and believable worlds in fiction.

Dialogue Writing: Explain how to write natural and engaging dialogue between characters.
The non-fiction writing process involves writing based on factual information. This can include essays, articles, biographies, and instructional content. Non-fiction writers research, organize, and present information in a clear and engaging manner.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Research Techniques
: Teach effective research methods for gathering accurate information.

Essay Writing: Explain how to structure and write compelling essays.

Instructional Writing: Guide others on how to write clear and informative instructional content.
The management process involves leading and coordinating a team or project. Managers plan, organize, and oversee tasks to achieve specific goals. This process includes communication, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Project Management
: Teach how to manage projects from start to finish, including planning, execution, and monitoring.

Time Management: Explain techniques for managing time and prioritizing tasks.

Conflict Resolution: Teach how to handle and resolve conflicts within a team.
The financial planning process involves managing finances to achieve personal or business goals. This includes budgeting, investing, and saving strategies. Financial planners analyze financial situations and create plans to meet financial objectives.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

: Teach how to create and maintain a budget to manage expenses and income.

Saving for Retirement: Explain the importance of retirement savings and how to plan for it.

Financial Goal Setting: Guide others on how to set and achieve financial goals.
The cooking process involves preparing food using various techniques and ingredients. Cooks create meals by following recipes, experimenting with flavors, and using different cooking methods. This process is both an art and a science.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Basic Cooking Techniques
: Teach fundamental cooking techniques such as chopping, sautéing, and boiling.

Baking: Share recipes and techniques for baking bread, cakes, and pastries.

Meal Planning: Explain how to plan and prepare meals for the week.
The home management process involves organizing and maintaining a household. This includes tasks such as cleaning, organizing, and managing finances. Effective home management ensures a smooth and functional living environment.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

: Teach how to declutter and organize different areas of the home.

Cleaning Routines: Share effective cleaning routines and tips for maintaining a clean home.

Household Budgeting: Explain how to manage household finances and create a budget.
The fitness process involves maintaining physical health through exercise and healthy habits. Fitness enthusiasts develop routines that include strength training, cardio, and flexibility exercises. This process helps improve overall health and well-being.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Cardio Training: Explain different cardio exercises and how to incorporate them into a fitness routine.

Strength Training: Teach proper techniques for strength training exercises.

Healthy Lifestyle: Share tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition and stress management.
The sports process involves training and practicing skills for a specific sport. Athletes follow structured training programs to improve performance and achieve their goals. This process includes physical conditioning, strategy, and teamwork.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Sports Training
: Teach training techniques for specific sports, such as running, swimming, or basketball.

Game Strategy: Share strategies for improving performance in competitive games.

Team Building: Explain how to build and maintain a cohesive team.
The gardening process involves cultivating and maintaining plants. Gardeners plan, plant, and care for gardens to grow flowers, vegetables, and other plants. This process includes knowledge of soil, plant care, and seasonal maintenance.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

Planting Techniques
: Teach how to plant seeds and seedlings for different types of plants.

Soil Preparation: Share methods for preparing and maintaining healthy soil.

Garden Design: Explain how to design and plan a garden layout.
The crafting process involves creating handmade items using various materials and techniques. Crafters use their creativity and skills to make unique and personalized items. This process can include sewing, knitting, woodworking, and other crafts.

Examples of Processes You Can Teach:

: Teach the basics of knitting, including different stitches and patterns.

Sewing: Share techniques for sewing clothes, accessories, and home decor items.

Woodworking: Explain how to create wooden projects, including selecting materials and using tools.


Now, create your own instructional prompt using the builder template below. This guide will help you step-by-step. Copy the text into ChatGPT or a similar AI tool, and follow the instructions to make your own custom prompt.

Copy Prompt to Clipboard
Act as a teacher’s assistant to create an AI prompt for students to use. The user will describe the process they want to share with students. Ask the user a series of questions to gather as much information as possible about the prompt. The questions should be asked one at a time, and wait for the user to input the answer before asking the next question. The questions are below:

Describe the process you wish to share with others.
Describe the learner for this process. What is their background and level of knowledge on this subject?
What potential applications may the learner use this process for?
What are common issues and pitfalls when applying this process?
Describe as many unique conditions as possible for this process. We will use this information to help the learner as they deal with their own unique conditions.
Where can the user learn more about this topic?

Expected Outcome:
The result should be a structured, step-by-step prompt that a user can input into ChatGPT. The resulting outcome prompt should begin with the following text, after describing the goal of this process.

“Act as a teacher’s assistant to guide the user through the process of making their project accessible. First, briefly describe the goal of this exercise. Then, ask each of the following questions one by one, waiting for the user to respond before moving on to the next question. Allow the conversation to go off track based on user preferences. Once the user is ready, proceed to the next question.”