Ben Feicht


Portal Panels are designed to bridge the disconnect caused by construction and inactivity in urban streets, transforming these spaces into vibrant, engaging, and safe environments that foster community and global connections. Using two-way video technology, Portal Panels fuse the lively atmosphere of active streets with the quiet of inactive ones, offering an immersive experience that enhances safety, sociability, and the visual appeal of urban landscapes. This urban revitalization project not only enlivens underused streets but also introduces a new layer of interactive social engagement, bringing together people from different parts of the world and promoting a more connected, inclusive urban experience.

Project Name

Competition Entry

Product / urban design

Project Type




portal panels


Panel Screens used to activate streets in Suqian, China​Suqian has wonderful street environments and thriving communities, but street life gets interrupted when large scale construction happens. We want to fix these interruptions by placing Portal Panels on these temporarily inactive streets.

The Portal Panels connect an active street to an inactive street through face to face two way video, fusing the life, window shopping, people watching, safety and visibility, and the ever changing environment of the active street to the inactive street.

As one walks down the inactive street in the evening, she glances over at a Portal Panel and waves to a friend shopping on Xingfu Road across town, or a stranger having breakfast at a street café in Paris. She feels safer because she is not alone on the inactive street, but surrounded by other people. As the inactive street becomes more interesting and lively, more people use the street to walk instead of drive, increasing the health of the people and the closeness of the community.

Active Street: Window shopping, people watching, safety

​Inactive Street: Empty, dull, unsafe

Portal Panels: Bringing the qualities of the active street to the inactive street

Portal Panels add life to quiet streets.

Product Details

Portal Panels are placed to activate the street in front of a construction site.

Street Elevation

Product Section